Re-Grow Your Kitchen Scraps!
Food is an inevitable expense in all households. If you are the shopper for your family, you know the total at the register can add up quickly…very quickly. Did you know you have…
Cast Iron Deep Dish Pizza
This is one of my favorite dinners to make! I LOVE this recipe when I’ve had a particularly crappy day – There’s nothing like taking bucketloads of your frustrations out on the helpless dough…
Chicken & Potatoes in a Garlic Parmesan Spinach Cream Sauce
There’s nothing more fulfilling than being able to help older adults re-learn life skills they thought were lost. Seeing the light spark back into their eyes when they accomplish something as simple as…
For the Love of Cast Iron
I couldn’t tell you how many non-stick pans I’ve gone through in the last 10 years – at least 2 a year! They are so wonderful at first, working like a dream for…